Maybe the Mayans were right about 2012.
Now that the warm weather has melted the snow- we can all get back out there and hit the pavement. If you haven't gotten a run in this week yet, you have no excuses - its going to be a warm week!
I left work early today to ride my horse (cross training!) and then headed home to squeeze in my "long run" before dinner. Every Monday or Tuesday I run my long distance and spend 2-3 other days running 2-3 miles. Today I headed out for a 7 mile run, and a new PR for my 10k.
I love the Nike + running app (featured above) I can play pandora and run this app at the same time which is a big plus for me. You can also pull up the map while running, and switch songs right on this screen. You can have a voice read you your pace, time, and distance at what ever set mileage you like - I have the nice lady on my app read me this information every 1/2 mile- the music lowers and the info comes right through your head phones- pretty awesome. When you are finished with your run, there is a motivational message for you as well as your time, distance, pace, calories burned, a picture of your route, and a diagram of your speed along your route. My one complaint is that this app does not track your elevation ;( oh well- no ones perfect!
If you really need your elevation tracker, I suggest using the Map My Run app.
Happy Running,
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