
Monday, April 23, 2012

Keep Calm and Plan On

18 days until Ragnar Cape Cod- EIGHTEEN DAYS thats it.  

That means we have 18 days to : 

Get our shirts to and from the printer (oh shit moment) and paid for
Make sure you all check the spelling of your sponsors! 
Collect any last minute sponsors check (NER get on that..)
Organize a meet up location for 24 people in 4 different vans (bigger oh shit moment)
Organize food and safety supplies (headlamps, tail lights, vests) for each van
Send out contact lists
Print 4 copies of the Race Bible
Print 4 copies of the race courses
Get an estimated time schedule together
Make sure everyone brings sleeping supplies for Welfleet
Figure out what to do with my dog  (we have end up having a mascott...)
Collect payment from everyone

Any 7,000 other things I cant think of right now-  I guess I will have plenty of time to think during my (attempt) at nine miles today

Anyone think of anything else? 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

West Coast Running

Running was starting to become a chore.  It took far too much effort to lace up my sneakers for a run.  Every time I thought about it, a lengthy conversation played in my head:

Brain:  You need to go for a run, you just ate 3 servings of Pasta
Katie:  Eh, I ran 3 miles the other day
Brain:  You have to run 24 over the course of 30 hours next month- you will die...
Katie:  Probably...FINE

In February I had planned a trip to Seattle WA and Portland OR for Thatchers Birthday Suprise.  In Seattle we stayed with Thatcher's childhood friend Dan, and his lovely fiance Allison.

Of course we did lots of eating.  Cheeseburgers and fries (and lots of booze)- healthy of course 

The next morning, we woke up and planned to go for a 9 mile run.  Of course 9 miles turned into 6 miles.  Even though we cut the run short- that was my BEST run in a very long time.  I felt great! airy, light, happy, I felt like I could run 6 more (this rarely happens).  I think it was a combination of rest, happiness, amazing company, but most of all the beautiful scenery that kept my mind off how miserable running could be.

We ran 2 miles along the Puget Sound.  It was a little cloudy but soon enough, the Sun came out and the weather was perfect, high 50s, sunny, with a light breeze.  I stopped to tie my shoe, turned around, and the views took my breath away.  Behind me was Mt Rainier.  It was gigantic, clear, and stood out in the background with his snow capped peaks.  I couldn't believe that these people get to look at these beautiful views every day.

(No I didnt take this- hard to run AND take pictures)


We got back to our starting point, 6 miles later, refreshed and happy.  We started to act like tourists again and posed for a Post run pic with our gorgeous views.  Seattleites, I envy your Sculpture park and amazing running routes.

While we never ran the rest of the trip (due to a miserable hang over)  The trip only got better. We spent a few days in Seattle, and then took a train to Portland to stay with Thatcher's brother for a few days.  We were lucky to be around good friends and family and to have such beautiful weather.

Seattle is a gorgeous city...

and surrounding the city- hiking, skiing, waterfalls, you name it!

Wish we had a market like the one in Seattle! Fresh amazing food- YUM

Lots of walking in Portland 

 And AMAZING food in both cities

West coast, we love you!  BUT it took being away to realize how lucky we are to live in Essex, with our friends and family so close by.

 Back to reality, East Coast running, and Ragnar training.
(okay East Coast running is pretty awesome too- I mean CAPE COD - fine ill stop complaining :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Burned Out

Saturday evening, I set out for my long distance run for the week.  After about 4 miles and 6 hills I just stopped ...and walked.  I was completely burnt out of running and did not have the motivation or desire to run another step.  After a mile and a half of walking I decided I was over that too and called Thatcher to pick me up.   It was the strangest feeling... I always had days where I had to push myself out the door, and days where I felt sore and tired, but this was a whole new feeling.  I had no desire, no drive, and was not enjoying ANY part of that workout.
Looking back now, I think I was just "Burned Out" from running, especially after spending 3 months training for my half marathon.  My run Saturday was just a week after my half marathon, and maybe I should have taken the week off to recuperate and redefine my relationship with running. Having the longest legs in the Ragnar has unnerved me into thinking RUN RUN RUN, no time off, keep going, you have to run back to back 9 mile legs.....
I decided to do some research to see if anyone else felt as BLAH as I did, and I was happily surprised to find out it was a common phenomena, especially after a half marathon or marathon.  

This quote did it for me:
"The butterflies and romance weren't going to last forever.  They never do.  There comes this time in every relationship when you have to just decide to do it.  Love is a verb, and it should be done unconditionally.  You just have to get up everyday and honor your commitment, not because of what you get but because of what you give,  and you have to trust that your run is going to do the same".

If that wasn't motivating enough, here are some tips from Live Laugh Run Today, to put that spark back in your run and get you through the last month of Ragnar training:

1) Set a smaller goal.

                2) Pick a place you KNOW you ENJOY running.

    3) Make a new playlist. 
                                 4) Find a buddy.