Happy Hump day
Oh! and Happy National Running Day!
How did I celebrate?
By taking the day off running.
it was my day off!
I did a speed workout Monday and hills and rode the horses Tuesday, so that made for a sore Wednesday.
Oh well.. you will all celebrate for me, right?
I am just wrapping up another work day before I meet my scuba friends for our "Wednesday Night Dive". Scuba friends- doesn't that sound silly?
Every Wednesday we meet at the beautiful Stonington Point, in Stonington, Connecticut, a lovely little beach at the end of the borough. Yes I said borough.... How cute is that? I will let you be the judge of that.
We all meet up after work, gear up, and go on an hour long dive around the point. It is a shallow dive about 30 feet of water, but, we find lots of fun stuff (LOBSTERS!)
While the diving is fun, the highlight is the booze and food at the Dog Watch Cafe- an adorable spot right on the water in Stonington, CT. It is a great time to get wet and unwind with some friends in the middle of the week.
Now.... before I leave to go splash around in the sun, I will leave you this DELICIOUS recipe that I followed this week. It is Taralynn from Undressed Skeleton's Healthy Baked Chicken Black Bean Tacos.
You can Find Taralynns Original recipe here.
You can Find Taralynns Original recipe here.
I chopped up all the veggies while reading through her recipe in my clean eats binder. (lettuce, onion, red pepper, jalapeno) Taralynn's recipe called for ground chicken but I had some pork that needed to be cooked so I used that.
I cooked up my pork with some taco seasoning from the packet with a little bit of water. I set that aside and then cooked up black beans and onions in the same pan with some more of the taco seasoning. (I used a package because I am lazy but I highly suggest making your own- packages are full of salt and other junk).
I put my bean/onion mixture on a tortilla with some red pepper, low fat cheese, a sprinkle of corn, salsa, and some fresh jalapenos.
Next - I rolled them up and placed them on a lined (and sprayed) cooking sheet. Let these beauts sit in the oven at 375 for about 20 minutes or until the edges brown like so.

Top with greek yogurt, salsa, and jalapenos- Serve with a side salad with greek yogurt for a dressing.

I hope you are drooling.
They were so delicious.
Just make sure you find a good salsa and good tortilla wraps that aren't full of unnecessary calories and junk.
Obviously I did not eat the entire tray of tacos (maybe not so obvious...) but I did individually wrap and freeze them for a quickie healthy dinner.
Hopefully they freeze well.
Looks delish!!!