va·ca·tion (v

1. A period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, or relaxation, especially one with pay granted to an employee.
(ah... to be back on real vacation-
the kind where there are palm trees and you are getting paid still )
Well, I did not get pay granted, but I did get a period of time devoted to R & R. A period of time devoted to pleasure...... well I try to keep the blog rated PG.
I took a nice "vacation" from running. Before you yell at me and say running is not a chore, running is not a job, running is relaxing and fun and oh so fabulous, let me just say I needed a break.
I was so sore after that half, and a little burnt out. Sometimes I hate running because I HAVE to. Why can't I run because I want to. Oh... because of my high calorie intake. Calories > desire to run. Details...
My vacation from running was so fabulous.
And no I did not just do this all day
(awkward food pics are kind of my thing)
I stayed active. I "took up" walking for the week.
I walked 1-3 miles with the dog every day.
Before work, during lunch, after work, we walked.
And we played in the grass.
Not just for five year olds any more folks.
This weekend I escaped to Block Island for some real R&R. No tv's, no noise, no clutter, just the sound of ocean, and some gin. I took about 30000 pictures, most of them of my dog, and I can't WAIT to share those with you (note: I am becoming one of those crazy people who takes posed pictures of their dog, constantly, someone stop me). Those beauties get their own post-
Live tomorrow morning!
Okay enough about not running.
Sometimes I forget this is a running blog.
Okay enough about not running.
Sometimes I forget this is a running blog.
The important news is:
Today I woke up at 6 am, laced up my Newtons, and met the girls for a 3 mile run around town.
It felt easy,
It felt refreshing,
I actually enjoyed it.
It felt easy,
It felt refreshing,
I actually enjoyed it.
It was like an epiphany: I willingly got up to run, and I even liked it.
I wish I liked running every day, but some days its a struggle.
So if you hate running,
here are some tips to hate running a little less.
1. Run with your gal pals. Everyone likes some juicy gossip, me included. It is nice to catch up with the girls, fill each other in on life lately, and let our girlish chatter distract us from our achey knees. And its okay to pause any and all stories while climbing hills. It is a given in our group.
2. Leave your Garmin at home. And your ipod. Or anything else that is telling you every excruciating detail about your run. I think this is why I loved today's run. I didn't have my garmin (battery died) or my ipod. Nothing battery powered was telling me I was running too slow, or telling me how much distance I had left. Just these two stems, some friends, some dogs, and the road.
3. Bring your dog. I love to run with my friends, but nothing beats running with my dog. Seeing how happy she is and knowing she is getting some of her energy out and and staying healthy makes my little heart pitter patter. Olive loves running, and I love Olive, therefore I love running.... Maybe? If you aren't buying that than at least the pooches bathroom breaks give me a reason to stop and catch my breath.
4. Buy New Gear. Nothing gets me out on the road faster than a new neon running shirt. I love to buy running clothes so filling my closet with wicking neon outfits makes me a happy girl.
5. Reward, Reward, Reward. A slice of pie waiting for you at home, a big leather couch with a SVU marathon on pause, what ever tickles your fancy. That run is so much more enjoyable when I have my eye on the prize. And doesn't that pie taste a little better when you earned it any way? Or how good does it feel to kick up your feet and watch the boob tube after a long run. Bliss.
If you follow these tips,
I can't guarantee you will LOVE running, but I will say...
You will hate it a little less :)
Everyone needs to take a break from running or their fav.'s nice to get a vacation from our passion once in taking pictures of my fur babies...and I too have a love hate love relationship with running...I love it more than I hate it...blessings