Happy New Years Eve Blog World.
I never realized how good of a year I had it on the running front, until I decided to sit down, reflect and write this post. Why did it take me until December 31st to sit down and realize all of the wonderful things I accomplished. It was a good year here on RAR and I thought I would share some of my running highlights with you all before I set some new goals for 2014.
I ran four half marathons: Colchester, Savinrock, Hogsback, Newport
I PRd at the hardest half marathon around, Colchester
I got under my 2 hour goal for 13.1.
I ran throughout the entire summer-
first consistent summer yet!
first consistent summer yet!
and became a morning runner
I ran my fastest turkey trot 5 miler
I tried a bunch of new classes:
Body pump, Zhumba, Body Flow, Spin, Hot Yoga
I got a new Personal Distance Record of 18 miles
I trained for my first marathon
(unable to run due to tendinitis)

I really accomplished a lot this year!

As far as 2013 achievements/adventures (non running related)
Took two amazing vacations: Bonaire and Azores
Took two amazing vacations: Bonaire and Azores
Was a Maid of Honor and watched my sister get married
Helped her and her husband renovate their first home
Got to over 50+ dives as a new scuba diver
Celebrated some of my bestest friends engagements
Was asked to be a bridesmaid in three of my friends weddings
Made new friends and spent more time with old ones
Was able to ride my sister's horse Bradley all year
Tried a new division hunter/equitation in the horsey world
Moved into my first apartment that was completely my own
Will have a post tomorrow on my 2014 goals.
Take some time today to reflect on your health/fitness achievements this year and share them with me! Its everyone else out there that gets me inspired to run, push myself, and set new goals.
Cheers to a new year
and another chance to get it right.