It is almost always me.
I hold myself back, and these ideas in my head really hold me down.

Brain: 12 mile run - you are crazy it's going to suck - it is going to be awful-- stay inside watch tv, make some cupcakes fatty. Why are you doing this - Just thinking about it makes me tired.
Heart/Legs: You have been training, you can run it, hell you have run 18 just need to stop thinking about doing it and go out and do it. It is the idea of it that scares you- Stop worrying about it so much and get out the door -
By the time I clocked 8 miles it was almost pitch dark out and no longer safe to run without my lights. I took a 2 minute break, took off my jacket and camel bak, and finished my last four on the treadmill.
This four mile run felt a lot harder than outside for a few reasons. I was really bored, I had just run 8 miles, and my legs/body just went from 20 degrees to 70 after a 3 minute break. Big Change. I pushed through and finished my last four miles for a total of 12 miles.
After my 12 miles I rushed home to meet the girls for book club. Will be doing a separate page on that but the important thing was the book club/ post run feast.
Great minds think alike and great minds like crescent rolls. Vanessa and I made cresent rolls with different fillings, Stacie brought peanut butter cookies, Ashley brought pretzels and hummus, and I also served carrots and dip.
Oh and obviously Vino.
Because it was Friday night and I needed to rehydrate from my run.
Saturday was active recovery day. It started off with a 30 minute play date on the track to let Olive get some energy out. Then I met Jill and Rica for a 3 mile walk around Old Saybrook and a coffee date.
A nice three mile walk with good company was the perfect way to stretch out my 12 mile sore legs from Friday night. Also a nice therapy session with some girl talk. After our walk I spent Saturday night at home with Olive and our two surprise foster fur kids (that deserves its own post :)
Sunday morning was a lazy start with the foster kids, breakfast, olympics, lunch at my parents, playing with the pony, Fro-Yo with Stacie, and R&R.
Amazing friends, a great run, food, wine, Olympics, family, and lots of dogs.
Weekends... I love you so much.
hah! love your "brain" thoughts about the run..hilarious! so impressed...also that love & a dog sign is my favorite. xoxo