I am supposed to be skiing in Utah and enjoying Salt Lake City right now- but I am sitting at work in Old Lyme, Connecticut. The 13th snow storm of the season hit New England Thursday. The snow piled up quick and then came the rain and ice. Early Thursday American Airlines canceled my Friday morning flight and the next available was not until Tuesday (tomorrow... 4 days later). Nuts. I had a serious pity party, shed a few tears, and rescheduled the trip. I will have to spend my birthday up at 3am and on 10 hours of planes and layovers, but atleast I will get there for my birthday and have the weekend to ski. The other downfall is Thatcher will have to work the entire week I am there, but I will just have to find fun things to do in the city for one!
So a quick change in plans, valentines day with the dogs, and basically no running. (I did a 3 mile run Friday afternoon- hill repeats- but hated every second of it) I did however work out and enjoy my weekend with friends and family. Take a look.

I was having a serious pity party about the flight cancellation and the weather. Thankfully Jill arranged for a mani pedi, prepaid by Thatcher. She gave him the hint and he called in and prepaid for a lovely pampering session. Isn't that what friends are for? I went for a coral with the gold accented ringer finger. Love.
I am dog sitting for my boss, meet Ivan the Chesapeake Bay Retriever (on the right). Olive is my rescue dog on the left. She loves having a buddy around. Hates posing for pictures.
Instead of spending my valentines day on a plane, I spent it at home with a lot of bread and cheese. (Not a bad substitute...) I made two loafs of homemade bread and went out to the Centerbrook Cheese Shop for a selection of delciousness.
Cheese plate with a hard cheddar/parmesan, a delicous crucola, and in the middle a soft ashy goat cheese- all fantastic. I also added my homemade bread, garlic crackers, strawberries, blackberries, sausage, figs, and almonds. And obviously wine.
Saturday morning I woke up with the intentions of going to 9am Body Pump but I was feeling quite lethargic after all of the wine and cheese. I slept in and met Jill and Rica for a 3+ mile walk around Old Saybrook.
Later on I met my sister, brother in law and a friend at the local watering hole for a few beers. This was awesome because it finally forced me to get out of my running tights and into real clothes and shoes. It is really sad when you consider jeans dressing up.

We sat at the Pattaconk, had a few beers, chatted, and then guess what happened. It snowed again. A few more inches of snow and some pretty slippery roads. We were going to do a family dinner to celebrate my birthday but the snow ruined the fun yet again.
I was really looking forward to going out to dinner, and did not feel like cooking so I did what any lonely buzzed girl in downtown Chester did on a Saturday night. Treated myself to a relaxing dinner at the french restaurant L&E. Mussels and Frites and .... more wine.

Sunday I woke up to more arctic temperatures, feeling pretty guilty about the skipped body pump and mass consumption of red wine.
I decided to make it to my 8am Body Pump and 10 am Hot Power Yoga with Jill. I was not feeling the yoga after such a great body pump but glad I got to sweat and stretch out the muscles. I LOVED body pump Sunday and it felt awesome after skipping almost a week. (read that as it felt awesome then and I am really sore today).
After yoga I went home, showered and decided these poor pups really needed to get outside and get some exercise. I was going to take them for a walk around my house but I live on a few really busy streets. I decided instead to walk them around downtown where Chester, Connecticut (cutest small town ever) was celebrating winter carnivale.

I walked up and down all the side streets with the dogs all while enjoying a nice cold beer. Because clearly I needed a break from the wine.
There were a lot of entertainers, food vendors, ice carving, shops, and even a Tractor parade. I enjoyed my beer, walked around and after getting really frustrated in the crowds with a dead phone and a lost friend I decided to head back.
After a quick nap and doggy snuggles, I ended up meeting my family for dinner (my brother's choice) at the local Japaneese restaurant. His birthday was on Sunday- mine Tuesday- so I let him pick the restaurant. Everyone did hibachi while I ordered a large amount of sushi. I decided to give my liver a break and go for some lemon water (good call).

I was showered with pretty jewelry, lobster pillows, clothes,
and a dunkin donuts gift card.
What more could a girl ask for?
What more could a girl ask for?

Weekend Recap: My flight was canceled and trip delayed, I ate a lot, made it to Body Pump and Yoga, spent time with friends and family, decided I hate running this weekend, drank a lot of wine, watched a tractor parade, and hated on New England winter.
Looking forward to going to Salt Lake City tomorrow and doing my long run there. Nothing like a new location to jump start your running schedule. We are getting more snow tonight so everyone keep your fingers crossed that I can get out of this frozen hell for a week!
After two and a half years in Seattle, I've almost forgotten how to dress up in anything more than jeans. Your running gear would be a-okay in almost all situations out here :)
ReplyDeletevisited Seattle a few years ago and LOVED it- I know it would be :) beautiful city great food and lots of runners- im so jealous of your move!