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Monday, March 17, 2014

Saturday- Pump Yoga and Sunshine

Oh weekends.  You are the best thing.  

I guess it takes the Monday through Friday grind to really appreciate Saturday and Sunday.  I was really thankful that this work week ended early and at one of my favorite places. 

Friday was a short day-- work half a day then off to a belated birthday lunch.  I met my bosses for lunch at my favorite restaurant, the River Tavern in Chester. We had a nice long lunch with cocktails, appetizers, lunch, and dessert.   Farm to table restaurant with the most amazing food (and date pudding that is THE best thing I have ever eaten-- and I eat a lot).

Saturday morning started off with 9 am Body Pump.  That made three days at Body Pump this week and loving every minute of it.  I have gone up in my weights and being rewarded for it slowly over the weeks. I even motivated my mother to go all three days that week.  I finally got through her skull that change doesn't happen doing something once a week.
Commitment and stick with it if you want results.    

After body pump, I went home, loaded Bradley in the horse trailer, headed out to Lyme, and rode a few of the horses.  It was an amazing sixty degree day with the sun shining, a rare occurrence in this New England winter.  The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and for a brief moment you forgot about the harsh winter and fell in love with New England all over again.  It was the first time we were riding outside in a very long time and the horses were all so freshy fresh.  

By the time lunch time rolled around, I was starving.  I was in Old Lyme and decided to raid my parents fridge.  I came up with this (bizarre) delicious combination.  Sweet potato, eggs, romaine, cheese, and scallions.  I wanted like a spinach/salad combo but had to make due with limited supplies. 

After lunch it was a quick walk with the dog before heading to a free power hot yoga session taught by my favorite teacher.  It was a really active day but I could not say no to a free yoga class, especially the day before my long run, and with my favorite instructor.   Incorporating yoga into my running schedule has been really helpful, well, when I actually do the yoga instead of saying I will. 

To end the day, I took Olive to the dog park so she could spend some off leash time with her fur friends. I just couldn't bring myself to be inside when the sun was shining and the temperature was above freezing.  

Now it was time to enjoy a delicious dinner, hydrate, and pray to the running gods that this 16 miler went off without a hitch.  

1 comment :

  1. perfect weekend! the farm to table place looks amazing! way to go on body pump...i've fallen off the wagon haha gotta get back! XO


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