Happy Friday!
We made it!
I am really excited to share some fun "big" news with you all.
First, I signed up for Instructor Training to teach gym classes here at the U! I am currently taking Tabata Monday Wednesdays at the U and loving it, so I am really excited for the opportunity to teach! It was only 75$ for a 6 week course that meets from 4-7 every Sunday. I will be able to teach classes this summer. I really want to teach Body Pump or Tabata or some kind of HIIT!

Second. I signed up for another marathon.
I know I am as shocked as you are. I said one and done. BUT.. after months of complaining I didn't have any friends, and wanting to continue running and stay in shape, I have finally made some friends and some of them are runners. They all meet Tuesday and Thursday mornings to run and I joined their group. Seeing them all train makes me want to run more, and has me running more and faster than ever. I am already running with them and KNOW that I need some motivation to run so I figured this would be perfect. Motivation, Friends, Hot Bod for summer- Check!
So why Utah Valley Marathon?
Like I said, a few of the girls are running it and running with them is putting me in the best shape! It is also fun to have a group of running friends out here, and we already have a hotel booked for a fun lady race!

This race is rated as one of the best marathons for 2014 by Runner's World Magazine. It is only 45 minutes away and only $100 to enter.
So why Utah Valley Marathon?
Like I said, a few of the girls are running it and running with them is putting me in the best shape! It is also fun to have a group of running friends out here, and we already have a hotel booked for a fun lady race!

This race is rated as one of the best marathons for 2014 by Runner's World Magazine. It is only 45 minutes away and only $100 to enter.
I have a training schedule I made/altered that I will share with you all but basically my plan is: less is more for me- I run 4 times a week and that's it. My rest days are usually active rest days where I cross train with tabatta weights skiing or hiking.
I basically run Tuesday Thursday am 4 miles, Friday trail run 4-5 miles Monday Wednesday Tabatta class, and Saturday off or ski, Sunday long run