
Monday, June 29, 2015

Snacks for a girl on the go

Happy Monday !

I hope everyone had a great weekend, and an great Monday to ease back into the work or school grind.  My Monday's are always a little crazy as I catch up with work and head off to campus for class.  

Whether I am spending a day on campus for class, on a cross country road trip, or out for a hike, I always (really, always) bring snacks with me.  So today I am sharing some of my favorite healthy snacks for a girl on the go. 

1.  Pretzels.  Crunchy and salty are some of my favorite snacking qualities.  Ideally, it comes in potato chip form.  But here is the thing: when it comes to potato chips, I have about ZERO self control.  Can't stop won't stop.  And as delicious as they are, they do leave your hands all greasy (and no one wants to be the kid in class with grease stains on their notebook).  Pretzels are a great alternative to the greasy fattening and highly addictive potato chip.  And pretzels are almost equally delicious.

2.  Nuts.  Nuts are another alternative to my healthy salty crunch.  No refrigeration needed, and you can easily buy 100 calorie packs, or a small container to throw in your bag or car.   Portion control is important.  Blue Diamond is my favorite brand of almonds as they have so many awesome flavors.  Sriracha is my current favorite Blue Diamond flavor.  Salt, spicy, crunch, and pre-packaged. Easy and delicious! 

3.  Fresh Veggies.  Fresh veggies are yet another option for a crunchy snack.  Not only are cut up carrots and green beans absolutely delicious and super healthy, but they are pretty hardy.  The beginning of each week, I peel and cut some carrots, and wash and trim a ton of green beans.  Throw them in a large container in fridge and then you can throw them into a small portioned baggy for a snack in your busy day.  If you have access to a fridge (or if you are road tripping I highly recommend bringing a cooler), then bring along some hummus.  While fresh veggies are good, we all know a dip makes them so.much.better.  

4.  Granola Bars.  I definitely buy at least a box of granola bars a week.  Why? Because they are so delicious and sooooo easy.   They don'y go bad (well, not for a while).  KIND is probably my favorite brand at the moment.  They use healthy grains and combine chewy and crunchy to make the most perfect granola bar.  You can find gluten free options too!   I recommend the Oats and Honey with toasted granola.  While I love anything chocolate or peanut butter, they tend to melt in the car, or when thrown in my hiking bag.  Go with the non chocolate varieties so you don't have to do the awkward lick-the-chocolate-off-the-wrapper while hiking.  

5.  Fruit.  Fruit is great for anyone with a sweet tooth.  How easy is it to grab a candy bar while you are fueling up on your road trip.  Keep fruit handy and avoid the high calorie sugar loaded candies.  If fresh fruit is too fragile for your road trip or hike, consider dried fruit!  The little mix features above has some almonds, fresh blueberries as well as dried blueberries.  Pick up some dried fruit and throw it in your cabinet for the next time you want a sweet fruity snack that wont go bad!  

6.  Coconut water.  You either love or hate coconut water.  It's a fact.  If you are like me and you love it, then buy this stuff in bulk and throw it in your fridge.  Coconut water is full of electrolytes and great for staying hydrated.  If you don't believe me, read all about the awesome benefits HERE.  When shopping, be careful to avoid the sugar added variety, and try to find the organic brands.  Costco's Kirkland variety is a great budget friendly no sugar added organic option.  If you are not a coconut water fan, pick another electrolyte supplement like NUUN or just go for plain ol water.  

What are some of your favorite snacks for a life on the go?

(This post is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almonds)


  1. Smart water is the best for me. I am not a fan of coconut water. But I did put it in a smoothie which didn't taste bad. :)

    1. I have never tried smart water- or coconut water in a smoothie actually! Will have to try both :)

  2. Coconut water yum! Just fruit in general is a good idea, although I love carrots so will have to remember that for next time

    xx -n
    Naomi in Wonderland

    1. coconut water is my faveeee. And fruit is so good its just hard to find hardy options- Didn't really think of dried fruit until recently! Dried blueberries are quite good!


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