So many times I told myself "You need to write a post about trail etiquette" because education is the first step to awareness. And as I mentioned, some of us need a quick lesson while others just need a gentle (or not so gentle) reminder. Nothing too complicated, just the standard "who has the right of way" and how to be a better human on the trails so we can all enjoy the hike.

This can be a tricky thing to analyze on the trail. Generally speaking, the uphill hiker gets the right of way. However, they will often take the opportunity for a short break and let you pass. The rule is that the uphill hikers gets to make the call! All situations are different so use your best judgment while remembering that the uphill hiker gets the right of way.

This is extremely important on narrow and busy trails. When hiking in a group, hike single file and avoid blocking others. If the trail is vacant obviously feel free to hike next to your buddy. But when you are hiking on popular trails in groups, stick to single file.

When hiking, try to stay to the right of the trail which allows someone to pass on the left. It is always a good idea to let someone know you are passing before you do, as to not startle and scare someone from behind (especially if you are near drop offs!)

Oh how I wish everyone followed this. This is one of my biggest hiking pet peeves. Please, keep your noise level down. That means no music without headphones (no, never, don't do it) and keep your conversation limited. People head to nature to escape ringing cellphones, stereos and chatter. Be mindful when in the outdoors.

Yielding is really important when sharing a trail with other users. If you are a trail open to bikers hikers and horses this is how it goes: Bikers yield to hikers and horses. Hikers yield to horses. Horses get the right of way.

This is another one that drives me crazy. Always ALWAYS always pack out what you pack in, meaning don't leave your garbage in the woods. Be a good citizen and once in a while bring a plastic bag with you and haul out any litter you may find. This means the wrappers to your snacks, the bottle caps, the tissues, everything. I was utterly disgusted by the amount of garbage left at the springs when hiking the popular trail to Fifth Water Hot Springs.

Stay on the designated trails and avoid creating new trails or cutting across switch back. I know we are always in a rush and want to get up or down the quickest way, but please don't cut or make your own trails; they'll only serve to confuse others and harm the environment and sensitive vegetation. This is really important on sites with fragile ecosystems like the cryptobiotic soils at Natural Bridges or the alpine tundra at Mount Mansfield. Always respect signage that steers you away from sections of the trails that are closed due to revegetation.

For whatever reason, sometimes we forget that not everything we see belongs to us. If you going to take something from the trail, take only pictures. You know the corny saying, "Take Only Pictures, Leave Only Footprints". Take nothing back with you (this even means no picking wildflowers!). I love the story of people removing petrified wood from state forests, only to feel super guilty and throw it out the window at the exit, or mail it back. Come on folks...the damage is done and that wood can never be replaced where it was found. Take nothing from the trail.

Okay, this is also at the top of things people do on the trail that drive me bonkers. If you are stopping to take a picture or admire the views, step off the trail first. I encourage you to take pictures, to stop and enjoy the view, but please be mindful as to where (and when) you do it. I was appalled by the group of tourists at Bryce who had zero qualms about taking 15 selfies in the middle of the trail as I clearly stood there in awe, waiting to pass. Please be mindful of the trail and where you are on it.

Watch your language. There have been a few instances where hikers have used foul or inappropriate language as a family hiking together walks by (it is very very embarrassing and uncomfortable). Be aware that you are in public and there are all ages and types of people on the trail. Keep it PG please!

You must always remember you are sharing the trail with the animals that live there. You are in their territory and you have to respect that. Do your research on what critters live in the area of the trail, what is typically spotted, and ways to keep yourself (and the animals!) safe. Know how to behave if you come into contact with different types of animals (black bears vs brown bears, female vs male moose, etc....this is getting its own post it is so important!). Remember, animals are usually seen most at dusk and dawn and certain animals are much more aggressive during certain seasons. Do not feed ANY animals and do not leave food on the trail.

Do not alter or vandalize signage. More importantly, please don't carve your initials in signs, trees or rocks. It is not cute, it is just complete degradation and disregard of property and an awful thing to do on a hiking trail. There are many stories of people vandalizing our national parks and be warned, you will likely be caught and can face jail time. Respect the surroundings and do not vandalize anything on the trails.

I know a lot of this seems scolding and demanding. This last tip is much more light-hearted, and really important. Smile! A smile goes a long way. I find this especially to be true if I am out hiking on the trails alone (especially as a young female hiker). It is always nice to receive a quick hello from a fellow hiker enjoying the trail with you.

These are some basic rules to follow when out enjoying the trails. Trails are open to the public and we can all do our part to make the trails enjoyable for everyone. Just remember, be considerate on the trails and enjoy the outdoors. If you remember that above nothing else, you are doing your part to keep the trails.
Want more tips on hiking? Check out my post on 8 Hiking Tips for Beginners!
Want more tips on hiking? Check out my post on 8 Hiking Tips for Beginners!

I agree, especially with Language, Keep it Clean and NOISE! And that means do NOT thrown your banana and orange peels on the ground where you are sitting thinking they'll bio-degrade. I was at the top of Pistewa Peak (Squaw Peak) near Phoenix and disgusted with the amount of food waste just thrown on the ground everywhere!
ReplyDeleteHi, Debbie! Great points! So often we think "its bio-degradable" but its still littering! Not to mention its bad for the wildlife! Thank for sharing and reading!
DeleteThere are so many things I didn't even think about. From the obvious things such as only take pictures (same goes for all of the incredible beaches in Australia for example) but to the smaller, definitely not less important tips such as on small trails to stay behind each other. One day I'll go on a hike vacation, I think mentally it would be such a nice thing to do. There are just not a lot of hike trails here in Belgium nearby so I actually have to drive hours and take out more than a day if I wanna do it!
ReplyDeletexoxoxx Naomi in Wonderland
Great point, Naomi! A lot of these rules don't apply strictly to trails but are absolutely useful for a lot of natural areas, beaches and parks. Luckily as bloggers we can kind of be "ambassadors" on the proper way to visit (and respect!) various areas. You should definitely go on a hike vacation! Thats a bummer that none are close but I always find that a beautiful hike is worth the drive :)
DeleteMaking noise on the trail alerts bears and other predators of your presence so being quiet in their territory would not be safe. Of course if you are not in an area where predators are a threat then yes keep your conversations within your group. :)