As crazy as it sounds, I booked a trip to Northern Canada in February when temperatures consistently stayed in the negatives and single digits - and not celsius. There is nothing wrong with celebrating at home and a trip to the Caribbean always sounds good. But when you want something unique, within your budget, and to explore a beautiful place in the off season (less crowds, cheaper), you head to Canada in February.

In true KW style, the itinerary was packed and my first full day in Canada was spent on a ski mountain. Jet lagged and on 5 hours of sleep but none the less, out on the mountain. The alarm went off at 7am and it was a quick shower and coffee before loading up the car. We heading downtown to the Adventure Hub on Main Street to pick up my lift tickets, stopped at the Visitors Center to pick up a National Park Pass, and Wildflour for (another) coffee and breakfast sandwich. By 9:15 we were on the road for the 15-20 minute drive to Banff Sunshine to spend the day skiing in the sunshine fresh snow.