
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Utah Day 2 - Skiing Alta

There's something special about Alta that is often hard to describe to those who have not skied her slopes. That something special goes a little like this.

Alta is untouched by the fussiness of skiing. Alta is simply all about skiing. The mountain is the priority and everything else is sort of some standard-essential.  In an age where we are starting to realize less is more, there's something simply perfect about this "focus on the skiing" philosophy.  

Monday, February 3, 2020

Antelope Island State Park - Utah Day 1

antelope island

Somewhere along the way, I started ditching the typical warm-weather winter getaway.  

Instead of heading out on dive trips to the Carribean or sneaking south to soak up some sun, I started doing the exact opposite.  I started booking trips during the winter here to go somewhere with well, more winter.  Useful winter if you ask me.  

Because one thing you need to know is this: winter in Connecticut is not useful.  No mountains to ski or snow to play in.  Just some often bitter cold wet windy weather that makes playing outsider harder, not better.  So instead of heading south to the warmth, I started heading northwest towards the copious amount of white fluffy powder.